Saturday, September 26, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
要放假之前,我和我的室友都对他们下了吩咐说:“乖啊,好好看顾我们的家啊!我们假期后见~” 你们不要笑我们幼稚,因为可要知道这两个家伙的魔力很不赖,他们还要陪我们一直到五年后!相信你们在看的每一位都不知道什么叫患难见真情!一直以来他们都不舍不弃地在我们身边,当我们快抓狂时,他们总是不吭声地让我们发泄;当我们闷慌时,他们还是一样会静静听我们发牢骚;当我们困扰时,他们依然抱着微笑耐心地等我们诉苦。。。他们肚子里装的东西比你们脑袋里的还要繁重,可是他们坚持保持微笑!(大概都是因为这样子,所以每个熊娃娃的肚子都圆鼓鼓的,小希,你肥,可是我不怪你,一切都是我的错,我决定不会要你减肥了!)这种莫名又奇妙的感动,有多少人会有?我知道我很神经,可是这一刻没有人会比我更清醒!问问那些一样有着非生物的陪伴的朋友,一定有共鸣的。。。在此希望大家能珍惜所有身边的东西,就算是最不起眼,他们也曾经是你的“过客”。。。
* 大头,你的头真的好大,你知不知道我每天睡觉前和睡醒后,第一个看到的都是你,你炯炯有神的眼睛又这样瞪着我(你面对的方向太好了,准准对着我的床)刚开始时还真的有点不习惯,可是现在觉得庆幸有你这个JAGA不眠不休地照顾我们,哪像那些楼下掌管的。== 我们会好好爱你们的。。。
要放假之前,我和我的室友都对他们下了吩咐说:“乖啊,好好看顾我们的家啊!我们假期后见~” 你们不要笑我们幼稚,因为可要知道这两个家伙的魔力很不赖,他们还要陪我们一直到五年后!相信你们在看的每一位都不知道什么叫患难见真情!一直以来他们都不舍不弃地在我们身边,当我们快抓狂时,他们总是不吭声地让我们发泄;当我们闷慌时,他们还是一样会静静听我们发牢骚;当我们困扰时,他们依然抱着微笑耐心地等我们诉苦。。。他们肚子里装的东西比你们脑袋里的还要繁重,可是他们坚持保持微笑!(大概都是因为这样子,所以每个熊娃娃的肚子都圆鼓鼓的,小希,你肥,可是我不怪你,一切都是我的错,我决定不会要你减肥了!)这种莫名又奇妙的感动,有多少人会有?我知道我很神经,可是这一刻没有人会比我更清醒!问问那些一样有着非生物的陪伴的朋友,一定有共鸣的。。。在此希望大家能珍惜所有身边的东西,就算是最不起眼,他们也曾经是你的“过客”。。。
* 大头,你的头真的好大,你知不知道我每天睡觉前和睡醒后,第一个看到的都是你,你炯炯有神的眼睛又这样瞪着我(你面对的方向太好了,准准对着我的床)刚开始时还真的有点不习惯,可是现在觉得庆幸有你这个JAGA不眠不休地照顾我们,哪像那些楼下掌管的。== 我们会好好爱你们的。。。
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
鲨鱼传~ (数学课)
名副其实的“鲨鱼”!!!== 真的会在你的不注意下“咬”你一口!上他课时绝对不能发梦。。。不然你玩蛋了。。。他会笑嘻嘻地跟你说笑,就像风平浪静的海。。。一旦你看见鲨鱼的翅慢慢从海里升起,传来一段紧张的音乐。。。他的眼睛望着你,目不转睛!就在他认真严肃的样子的时候。。。你屏息着气。。。惨了,他会不会咬人啊?@@ 心想完了完了。。。结果。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!他自己狂笑起来。== 天。。。顿时觉得好想从椅子跌在地上。。。无话可说。。。== 想丢一句:你在笑什么???唉。。。真是可爱的教授。。。我甘拜下风。。。
名副其实的“鲨鱼”!!!== 真的会在你的不注意下“咬”你一口!上他课时绝对不能发梦。。。不然你玩蛋了。。。他会笑嘻嘻地跟你说笑,就像风平浪静的海。。。一旦你看见鲨鱼的翅慢慢从海里升起,传来一段紧张的音乐。。。他的眼睛望着你,目不转睛!就在他认真严肃的样子的时候。。。你屏息着气。。。惨了,他会不会咬人啊?@@ 心想完了完了。。。结果。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!他自己狂笑起来。== 天。。。顿时觉得好想从椅子跌在地上。。。无话可说。。。== 想丢一句:你在笑什么???唉。。。真是可爱的教授。。。我甘拜下风。。。
Friday, September 4, 2009
dearly beloved lecturers XD
hey yo~
start my class already~ ^^ all those teacher ald introduce themselves n gave those class structure (its like study plan u noe? every week will be teached which chapter n which week gt test...)lets take a look about my lecturer >>
MALAYSIA STUDY = Mr.Rymond lee~
Always keep telling us no "pra" (actuali is no "prob") bt he pronounce it as 1st i thought wad...== bt anyway, he's a good lecturer. ^^
MATHS = William Shak (i noe it's weird)
When he introduce himself, he wrote: IM SHARK on the whiteboard, then wrote: SHAK beside it. then he asked us: wads the difference between tis 2? we answer: that one is without the letter "R". he: good!!!!!!!vry clever!!! then he laugh non stop...we feel cold... then he: then wad else?, we din answer him. finally he wrote sumthing beside the SHARK: tis is living under the sea, SHAK: tis is the 1 who is looking at u...== thn he laugh continuously again, we whole class diam diam... haiz...
PHYSICS = Mr. loh shin king (our king!!)
He likes to trick student, dun ever ask him if u nid to know where's the location of sum places... example: oooh!! u wan to noe where is it aa? 1st, u pass the basketball court rite? then u walk around it, then u go to the swimming pool which opposite the court, thn jump into it n dive in, find the way in..== damn rediculous.
Her popular words: chemistry is like a magic~ everything around u is all relate to chemistry, even ur body cells also made by atom...she's a strict teacher...i can see tat...esp when she stares at u...the eye~ @@
ENGLISH CLASS = Ms. Abigail (u can call her abby~^^)
Enjoying her class, she's a fun teacher, her class was so relaxing...however, our class is too quiet n passive...duh, guys!!! enjoy ur class, pls speak n voice out ur thoughts to express urself...
Anyway, all of them r great teachers although some of them r quite crazy n like to syok sendiri (like came out from green mountain ==) there's a new way of teaching to me, most important is....NO SPOONFEEDING!!!! >< tats wad they promoting in college. haha! XD well, hav to get used of it loo... =)
start my class already~ ^^ all those teacher ald introduce themselves n gave those class structure (its like study plan u noe? every week will be teached which chapter n which week gt test...)lets take a look about my lecturer >>
MALAYSIA STUDY = Mr.Rymond lee~
Always keep telling us no "pra" (actuali is no "prob") bt he pronounce it as 1st i thought wad...== bt anyway, he's a good lecturer. ^^
MATHS = William Shak (i noe it's weird)
When he introduce himself, he wrote: IM SHARK on the whiteboard, then wrote: SHAK beside it. then he asked us: wads the difference between tis 2? we answer: that one is without the letter "R". he: good!!!!!!!vry clever!!! then he laugh non stop...we feel cold... then he: then wad else?, we din answer him. finally he wrote sumthing beside the SHARK: tis is living under the sea, SHAK: tis is the 1 who is looking at u...== thn he laugh continuously again, we whole class diam diam... haiz...
PHYSICS = Mr. loh shin king (our king!!)
He likes to trick student, dun ever ask him if u nid to know where's the location of sum places... example: oooh!! u wan to noe where is it aa? 1st, u pass the basketball court rite? then u walk around it, then u go to the swimming pool which opposite the court, thn jump into it n dive in, find the way in..== damn rediculous.
Her popular words: chemistry is like a magic~ everything around u is all relate to chemistry, even ur body cells also made by atom...she's a strict teacher...i can see tat...esp when she stares at u...the eye~ @@
ENGLISH CLASS = Ms. Abigail (u can call her abby~^^)
Enjoying her class, she's a fun teacher, her class was so relaxing...however, our class is too quiet n passive...duh, guys!!! enjoy ur class, pls speak n voice out ur thoughts to express urself...
Anyway, all of them r great teachers although some of them r quite crazy n like to syok sendiri (like came out from green mountain ==) there's a new way of teaching to me, most important is....NO SPOONFEEDING!!!! >< tats wad they promoting in college. haha! XD well, hav to get used of it loo... =)
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